Reviving the built environment

It is well-recognized that BBR technology promotes leaner new construction, but what about Maintenance, Repair and Retrofitting (MRR) projects? With sustainability playing an ever greater role in our cost-conscious and environmentally aware world, the specialist techniques and technology used by BBR Network Members are also delivering leading edge green and economic solutions.

Kawarau River Bridge (New Zealand) by BBR Network Member BBR Contech

The need for the BBR Network’s range of MRR techniques arises from a number of factors. Often, it is a case of repairing damage whether through prolonged or heavier-than-planned usage or insufficiencies in the original design of a building – although constructed to the highest standards of the day, several decades ago. However, sometimes such techniques are used to assist the repurposing of a building or structure or to ensure its continued life through a change in environmental conditions.

Light Bulb Factory in Pabianice (Poland) by BBR Network Member BBR Polska

Key techniques which regularly feature in our project portfolio include:

  • Fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) application
  • Bearing replacement
  • External post-tensioning
  • Impressed current cathodic protection (ICCP)
  • Other specialist procedures, such as heavy lifting



Eighth Edition of the Magazine of the Global BBR Network of Experts

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