The BBR Network leads the world
The BBR Network is recognized as the leading group of specialized engineering contractors in the field of post-tensioning, stay cable, geotechnical and construction engineering in over 50 countries. With specialist know-how, the BBR Network can provide a full range of services.
Global service provider with Swiss roots
BBR VT International is the Technical Headquarters and Business Development Centre of the Global BBR Network and located in Switzerland. From here, the HQ team coordinates the BBR Network and offers a wide range of services to our Network Members which help them to work efficiently in their local markets while using the very latest internationally approved technology.
The first of its kind
The BBR Network is a franchise – the largest and first of its kind in the world – evolving from the licensed business which had traded successfully on the international scene since the 1940s and has grown in recent years, both geographically and in terms of turnover. With BBR VT as the franchisor and the BBR Network Members as the Franchisees, we offer a strong focus on local expertise backed by an international network with strong partners. In some countries and regions the license business model is still used offering similar benefits and advantages to the BBR Franchise.
Decades of excellence
The BBR Network has a track record of excellence and innovative approaches – with thousands of structures built using BBR technologies. While BBR's history commences in 1944, the BBR Network is focused on constructing the future – with professionalism, innovation and the very latest technology.
BBR Network facts
- Presence in over 50 countries
- 11 manufacturing facilities around the world
- Group revenue in post-tensioning, stay cables and related construction engineering exceeds CHF 300 million, over CHF 600 million including all activities
- Over 250 engineers and 1,300 professionals in core activities, over 2,000 employees in all activities
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