Presentation of highest BBR PT Award

New BBR PT Grand Master

Jeff Marchant from New Zealand BBR Network Member, BBR Contech, has been presented with the BBR PT Grand Master Award. This is a very special award which is presented only on rare occasions. It is awarded to those who have attained an exceptionally high level of achievement in many aspects of post-tensioned construction engineering. During his 23 years’ service, Jeff has shown sustained leadership in the field of post-tensioning along with excellence and innovation in the design & construction of post-tensioned slabs on grade. In addition, his mentorship of new BBR engineers has ensured that valuable knowledge and skills are passed on and that high standards will continue to shape future projects.  In the course of his work, Jeff has won the respect and acknowledgement of industry peers both locally and internationally – enhancing not only the reputation of the BBR Network, but also the industry as a whole. Many congratulations!