Picture perfect!

2021 BBR Network CONNÆCT Best Photography Award

Please join us in congratulating BBR Network Member KB Spennteknikk on winning the 2021 BBR Network CONNÆCT Best Photography Award! The Award was presented for the excellent selection of images accompanying their article ‘Still strong after 45 years’ about the regular mandatory control testing of PT tendons which was recently undertaken at the Ringhals Nuclear Plant in Sweden. Competition for this Award was particularly strong this year with brilliant photography also from BBR Network Members Kappa (Yusufeli Dam, Turkey) and ÆVIA (La Reunion Highway Interchange, France), who were Runners Up and Highly Commended respectively.

To see all the shortlisted entries for this Award, please visit the BBR Network YouTube Channel and watch the video! You can also read all the articles in CONNÆCT 2021 – download a copy here.